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Updated: Jan 29, 2022

Victoriei Avenue was the first paved street in Romania. In 1864, the paving of Victoriei Road began with cubic granite stone brought from Scotland.

The old name of Victoriei Avenue is Mogosoaiei Bridge. The current name was given in 1878, after the Romanian troops, as a result of the victory obtained in the War of Independence, made their triumphant entry into the city on this artery. The most famous street in the Romanian capital owes its existence to the ruler Constantin Brancoveanu, who in 1692 cut a road that would connect his estate on the bank of Dambovita with the estate from Mogosoaia. At the same time, Brancoveanu ordered the paving of the new road with wooden beams, hence the name of Mogosoaiei Bridge.

Calea Victoriei was asphalted for the first time around the First World War. From the end of the 18th century until the interwar period, Victoriei Avenue experienced a real expansion, on both sides of it with rising churches, aristocratic houses, monasteries, shops, luxury shops, restaurants, hotels, then The Royal Palace and other state institutions. In 1842, the house built by the nobleman Dinicu Golescu near the Kretzulescu Church, became a royal palace. Here was the seat of the provisional government during the Revolution of 1848, lived Prince Alexandru Ioan Cuza (until the forced abdication in 1866) and installed Prince Carol of Hohenzollern who added another wing on the right, along the Victory Road, between 1882 and 1885.

The Royal Palace was destroyed by fire in 1926 and acquired its current appearance between 1930 and 1937.

After 1878, Victoriei Avenue housed a lot of administrative, cultural or scientific institutions: the CEC, the Post Office Palace (current History Museum), the Palace of the Carol I Cultural Foundation (current Central University Library), Capsa House, Romanian Academy. Victoriei Avenue has been losing his charm since 1948, with the installation of the communists in power. Thus, many of the boyar houses are destroyed by bulldozers, and the remaining ones become homes for the party's acolytes. Sturdza Palace was one of the most special buildings on Victoriei Avenue. It was built between 1898 and 1901 and belonged to Prince Grigore M. Sturdza, son of Prince Michael Sturdza. After the prince's death, the building was sold to the state, which turned it into the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In the 1930s, the building was demolished to build a new Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Cantacuzino Palace is one of the most beautiful buildings in Bucharest. It was built between 1898-1900 by the architect Ion Berindei for Grigore Cantacuzino.

The palace was famous for its most exclusive place in Bucharest, where extraordinary balls and evenings were held organized by Mihail Cantacuzino, together with Maria "Maruca" Rosetti. During the Second World War, in this building functioned the headquarters of the presidency of the Council of Ministers.

In 1956, the Cantacuzino Palace became a museum dedicated to the musician George Enescu.

Come and discover step by step the story of one of the most beautiful arteries of Bucharest, Victoriei Avenue. Enjoy the view offered by the artistocratic buildings and the story behind them.

Book now your place for the Stories on Victoriei Avenue, from October 24, 2021.

We look forward to seeing you with us for a relaxing, outdoor experience that will make your day more beautiful.


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