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Updated: Mar 4, 2023

The story of the Mogosoaia Palace begins 300 years ago. It is considered the best-preserved brancovenesc palace architecture, whose real heyday was when it was owned by Martha Bibescu, who did everything to make this place shine even today.

Here are some interesting things about the turbulent history of this complex of particular beauty, which you may not have known:

Under the name "Palatul Mogosoaia" hides an entire historical complex, which includes: the courtyard with the palace, the watch tower, the kitchen, the guest house, the ice house and the Church of St. George.

The palace was built at the request of Constantin Brancoveanu and inaugurated in 1702. However, he enjoyed it for a short time, because in 1714 was executed in Constantinople together with his entire family. Also then, his wealth was confiscated, and the palace became an inn, the Turks emptying the palace of furniture and all valuables. The ruler's heirs reacquired it three years later and thus the Brankovians owned it for almost 120 years.

The princely courts of that period - including the Branconveanu Palace - were designed with the kitchen at a distance from the palace to avoid fires and unpleasant food smells. The inconvenience was that, although the dishes were chosen and tasty, they were almost always served cold, due to the distance.

The real heyday of the palace is due to Martha Bibescu - who received the domain as a gift from her husband - and who became her mission to restore its shine. She brings Italian, Venetian craftsmen, who transform the interiors and give them the Italian influence. In the interiors of the palace, you can find unique interior architectural elements: a special hall with Venetian mosaic that preserves much of the charm of the past, the fireplaces are from the time of Martha. The restoration works began in 1912, but were interrupted during the First World War when the palace suffered the greatest destruction until then.

After 1925, Martha Bibescu made a huge new effort, sold the Lahovari estates and invested all the money obtained from this transaction and from the sale of her books for the restoration of the palace. At the end of 1927, the palace is reborn from its own ruin and is more spectacular than ever.

During Martha Bibescu's reign, the palace was visited by many guests of honor. For example, among the well-known writers of that period were the French writers Antoine de Saint Exupery and Marcel Proust.

Martha Bibescu's life could compete with any movie scenario. She married for love the adventurer Prince George Valentin Bibescu, at only 16 years old and, although she remained in this marriage all her life, both lived their own love stories and cultivated their adventurous and independent spirit. Mogosoaia Palace is the place that united them more than any other passion. Not by chance, the prince gave it to Martha in a moment of celebration as a couple. However, the prince dies in 194 after the installation of the communist regime, the Bibescu family loses the palace. Martha Bibescu makes huge efforts to declare the palace a historical monument, thus offering it protection for the future. He retires into exile in Paris where he lives by writing. She is decorated with the Legion of Honor and appointed advisor to General Charles de Gaulle on Romanian issues.

He died in Paris in 1973 and, as he wished, the Mogosoaia Palace remained the testimony of times with other principles.

Do you want to enjoy a few hours in the open air at Mogosoaia and learn more about the story of the beautiful Brancoveanu Palace? Find out here how you can do that.

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