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Floral remedies have been around for almost a hundred years and were the brainchild of Edward Bach, a British physician. Bach was a physician trained in the traditional method, who was disappointed with the way medicine was practiced, so he began looking for new methods of healing. Around the age of thirty, while walking on a field of flowers shining with dew, he had an epiphany. He somehow assumed that the spiritual essence of a flower was transferred to the dew when the flower was exposed to the sun, and that this dew has healing properties.

Thus, he discovered that in order to feel the therapeutic potential specific to a flower, all he had to do was hold its petal in his hand. Bach's belief was that the spirit of the plant communicates with the human spirit and alleviates the negative states and "lack of harmony" between soul and body, which causes disease. Concerned about this connection, he identified 38 flower-based remedies that restored emotional balance. Thus, in each of the 38 remedies identified, Bach concluded that flowers act by increasing vibrations of such a nature that they enhance the quality. For example, in case of fear, the floral remedy enhances courage or in case of fatigue, the floral remedy potentiates the body's energy and invigoration.

Here are the categories of emotional problems for which the 38 floral remedies are used in therapy:

- fear

- uncertainty

- loneliness

- lack of interest in the present

- excessive sensitivity

- despair

- excessive care for the good of others

You can learn more about the effects of Bach floral remedies and how to apply them to achieve emotional balance at the BACH FLORAL THERAPY online course. The course is taught by Claudia Cabat, Bach flower therapy specialist, accredited by the "Dr. Edward Bach" Foundation in Great Britain, author of the book "Floral Remedies. A Medicine of the Soul" - a book that you will receive for free, as a result of participating in this course.


22-23.05.2021, 09:30-17:00



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